Ground-mounted photovoltaic plants 
With an installed capacity of 445 megawatts and a share of around 18 %
of the region's electricity demand, ground-mounted photovoltaic
plants are already making a decisive contribution by the end of 2017. Further
expansion is an important element on the way to a fully renewable energy
supply, which must be balanced against the spatial and environmental impacts.
Potential areas
The potential areas are determined according to
§37 EEG
(2017) on the basis of the current support scheme.
The following areas are taken into account:
110 m strips along federal motorways and railways
A 110 m buffer zone around federal motorways and railways,
minus a 40 m zone around federal motorways.
(§9 FStrG)
and 10 m zone for railways
is used. Furthermore, a width of 24 m (federal motorways) or 12 m (railways)
is assumed.
Soils with low arable yield potential (soil quality)
Large potential areas can be found in agricultural areas. According to
areas with low arable yield potential (soil quality) are used.
For this purpose, the arable land and meadows from
Corine Land Cover
are offset against the very and extremely low soil quality (<50)
according to the Soil Quality Rating of
According to the Klima- und Energiekonzept (2019) (climate and energy concept)
of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, the current planning aims to avoid
the construction of photovoltaic open-air plants on agricultural
land as much as possible.
To take this restriction into account, only 0,5..1,0 % are assumed to
be available according to
Other sites included in the EEG's funding programme - conversion areas
and federal real estate - are not taken into account here due to the comparatively
low potential and lack of data availability.
Restriction areas
In contrast to the potential areas, the installation of photovoltaic systems
is excluded (hard) or unlikely (soft) in restriction areas.
Both the current legal situation and the planning criteria were taken
into account here
Hard restrictions
- Settlement areas (+100 m buffer)
- Transport Routes
- Federal motorways: (24 m width, +40 m buffer)
- Federal, rural and district roads (+20 m buffer)
- Side roads (5 m width)
- Railways (12 m width, +10 m buffer)
- Railway facilities
- Air traffic facilities
- Waters, standing and flowing (+20 m buffer)
- Forest (+100 m buffer)
- Nature conservation areas
- National Park (in ABW n.a.)
- Biosphere reserves
- Flood plains
- Natural monuments with a large surface area
- Water conservation areas
- Hard restriction areas according to
Regionalplan ABW 2018
- Priority areas for agriculture
- Priority areas for raw material extraction
- Important industrial and commercial locations in the state (existing + planned)
- Region important location for industry and commerce (existing + planned)
Soft restrictions
- FFH (Fauna-Flora-Habitats) areas
- SPA-/bird sanctuaries
- Protected landscapes
- Reserved areas for the development of an integrated ecological system
- Priority areas for forestry
- Nature parks
- Priority areas for nature and landscape
- Priority areas for water extraction
- Reserved areas for tourism and recreation
- UNESCO World Heritage Site (Gartenreich Dessau-Wörlitz)
- Reserved areas for agriculture
Assumptions and constaints
- For economic reasons, only areas >1 ha are taken into account.
- Existing plants and areas used for plants are not taken into account.
- For the specific area requirement, 1.5 hectares per installed megawatt
(peak) are assumed. Current values range from 1.5 ha/MWp
up to 2..2.5 ha/MWp
Lower space requirements can be expected in the future, partly due to
efficiency improvements (0,8 ha/MWp in 2030 in accordance to
- For the reasons described above, only some of the fields and meadows are
considered to be available
For this purpose, an availability of 1,0 % is assumed.
The total arable and meadow area in ABW is 208,578 ha
the maximum available potential area is therefore limited to 2086 ha (A).
- Mutual overlaps of potential areas are very low and are therefore neglected.
In order to determine the actually available areas, the restriction areas
are subtracted from the potential areas. The following potentials result
for areas and maximum installable capacity:
Hard area [ha]
Hard Electric power [MWp] |
Hard + Soft area [ha] |
Hard+Soft Electric power [MWp] |
Federal motorways |
226,0 |
150,7 |
138,0 |
92,0 |
Railways |
1959,0 |
1306,0 |
963,0 |
642,0 |
Fields and meadows with low soil quality |
45352,6 |
30234,7 |
13997,0 |
9331,3 |
Summe |
47537,6 |
15098,0 |
Federal motorways |
226,0 |
150,7 |
138,0 |
92,0 |
Railways |
1959,0 |
1306,0 |
963,0 |
642,0 |
Fields and meadows with low soil quality |
2086,0 |
1390,7 |
2086,0 |
1390,7 |
Summe incl. (A) |
4271,0 |
2847,4 |
3187,0 |
2124,7 |
The value displayed in the menu slider represents the maximum installable
rated power with hard and soft restriction areas..
See our documentation for further details.